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Query Errors

The section illustrates common query errors and how to resolve them on Appsmith.

Query/API response errors

You may see below errors when working with API or Query responses.

Execution failed with status 5009

You could see the query/API execution fails and generates an error response:

<QUERY_OR_API_NAME> action returned an error response. Response size exceeded the maximum supported size of <SIZE_SPECIFIED_IN_FILE> MB. Please use LIMIT to reduce the amount of data fetched.

Error message

Response size exceeded the maximum supported size of <SIZE_SPECIFIED_IN_FILE> MB. Please use LIMIT to reduce the amount of data fetched.


The error response could be caused when the API/query response size exceeds the allowed maximum limit of 5 MB or the size setup.

Response larger than the supported size

Response larger than the supported size error shown in errors tab


You could resolve the error response by doing one of the following:

  • To limit the data returned as part of query response by using limit in the query or enabling pagination for table.
  • To limit the data for an API, you'll have to add a server-side pagination feature to it.
  • To update the maximum allowed limit, you can modify the environment variable only for the self-hosted instance of Appsmith. For example, to modify the limit for docker-based installation, navigate to the docker.env file and modify the APPSMITH_PLUGIN_MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE_MB environment variable to the desired response size(10 MB).

If you can't find what you are looking for and need help debugging an error, please raise your issue on Discord Server or email at

MongoDB name can not be null

You may encounter this error when trying to run queries against a MongoDB datasource.

Error message

The error message might appear in a few different ways. For example:

  • As an error response in the console:
{ message: 'name can not be null', type: 'PLUGIN_EXECUTION', subType: undefined }
  • As a notification with the text:
Mongo is not correctly configured. Please fix the following and then re-run: [Missing default database name.]
  • Or,
Missing default database name.


This error may be caused by the database name being omitted from the Connection String URI field.


Find your Connection String URI in the datasource settings and verify that the database's name is in the string following the host name. For example, if your database name is Movies, it should look something like this:

// Connection String URI


In the snippet, is the host, movies is the database name, and the items after the ? are optional arguments.


If you can't find what you are looking for and need help debugging an error, please raise your issue on Discord Server or email at