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Refresh OAuth Tokens Using JS Modules

This guide demonstrates how to use JS modules to refresh OAuth tokens across all apps, enabling you to renew and extend your authentication access.

Create JS module

  1. Click the Create New button from the top-right corner of your workspace and Create a new package.

  2. Click New Module > JS Module.


The JS module allows you to create queries and JS objects. The Main JS object represents the code for the JS module.

  1. Create a datasource within this JS module.

Example: To create a refresh token module, start by establishing a new API endpoint to call the token refresh endpoint provided by your authentication service. For OAuth services, ensure that you add the refresh token in the request payload to receive a new access token.

Passing Query Module data to JS modules is not supported.

  1. Inside Main JS Object / JS Module Code and add a function to refresh the token, like:


Create a function named verifyAccessToken checks if the access token is still valid. If it's about to expire, another function, refreshAccessToken, automatically fetches a new token in the background. This ensures that users won't face interruptions while using the app, and their access remains secure and up-to-date.

export default {
// Generate a new access token by calling the authorization API
async generateAccessToken() {
const generatedToken =;
if (generatedToken)

// Store the access token, refresh token, and expiry in the Appsmith store
storeToken(accessToken, refreshToken) {
storeValue("authAccessToken", accessToken);
if (refreshToken) {
storeValue("authRefreshToken", refreshToken);
storeValue("authAccessTokenExp", this.getTokenExpiry(accessToken));

// Extract the expiry timestamp from the access token payload
getTokenExpiry(token) {
try {
return JSON.parse(atob(token.split(".")[1])).exp * 1000;
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error decoding token:", error);
return null;

// Verify if the access token has expired
verifyAccessTokenExpired() {
"time left",
(new Date( -
new Date().getTime()) /
(1000 * 60),
return (
new Date().getTime() >
new Date(

// Refresh the access token when expired by calling the API
async refreshAccessToken() {
// call to
const refreshToken =;
if (refreshToken) {
// update the Appsmith store with the new access and refresh tokens
console.log("Token: " + refreshToken.access_token);
} else {
console.error("Failed to refresh access token");

// Get the access token, refresh it if needed, and return from the Appsmith store
async getAccessToken() {
// verify if the access token is present in the Appsmith store
if ( {
// verify if the token has expired
if (this.verifyAccessTokenExpired()) {
//refresh the access token
await this.refreshAccessToken();
} else {
//generate initial access token with authorization
await this.generateAccessToken();
// return the access token from Appsmith store

Configuration may vary depending on the authentication provider or tool you are using.

  1. Create a new API to handle the generation of tokens when an authentication token expires.

In the API configuration, provide the refresh token from the store in the request body:

  1. Run and Publish the JS Module.

Use JS Module

Once you've created a JS module, follow these steps to access its data in any application:

  1. Open your App from the homepage and ensure that both the app and modules share the same workspace.

  2. In the entity explorer, select the JS module and configure the function settings as needed.

  3. Create a new API inside the app to fetch data using the generated token.


For the authorization header, add:

Key: Authorization 
Value: JWT {{}}

Configure the query based on your specific endpoint or tool requirements.

  1. Create a new JavaScript object to execute the authentication module before fetching data, preventing potential errors in case of simultaneous execution on page load.
export default {
onPageLoad: () => {
.then(() =>;

Set this JSobject to run on page load.

  1. To display the data, drag a Table widget, enable JS, and bind the data, like:


  1. If you want to trigger a function based on an event, you can bind the JS module function to the event of that widget, like:

