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Display Data from Functions

Functions in a JS Object can be Synchronous or Asynchronous.

Widgets have fields/properties where you can bind data or trigger actions.

Async fields are properties that can trigger an action or perform an operation. For example, the properties like OnTextChanged and OnSubmit of an input widget are async fields. You can call or execute the JS functions in async fields(event listeners).

Sync fields are properties that expect data. For example, for an Input widget, properties such as Default Value, Required, Text expect data and are sync fields. You can display the response from JS functions in sync fields.

Synchronous functions

As the name suggests, synchronous means to run in a particular sequence. It means that every statement of the code gets executed one by one. So, a statement must wait for the earlier statement to complete its execution. To display the response from a synchronous JS function in a sync widget field, call the function inside the JS Object as shown below:


Asynchronous functions

The word asynchronous means not occurring at the same time. You may need to fetch data from the server or execute a function with a delay, something you don't want happening at the current time. Asynchronous functions can be specified using the keyword async. See Asynchronous JavaScript Function Settings for more information.

To display the response from an asynchronous JS function in a sync widget field, you need to retrieve it using the .data property, as shown below:

Display response from async function in widget field