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JavaScript Editor

Response tabDisplays the output generated by the functions defined in a JS Object.
Errors tabDisplays errors during or after code execution. They can be syntax errors, parsing errors, etc.
Logs tabShows the execution of functions with a timestamp. You can also open the Logs Tab by clicking a debug icon at the bottom right of the console. The Logs tab gives enables you to search for logs by writing keywords in the Filter input box or by selecting the type of log in the Show All Logs list
SnippetsInsert ready-to-use code from the Snippets Library.
LinterThe JS editor automatically checks your source code for programmatic errors. If the code isn't syntactically correct, it highlights the error using red wavy lines. You can inspect the error in detail on the Errors tab.
DebuggerUse debugger statements to pause the execution or console.log() to print debug messages.