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To configure Granular Access Control (GAC), Appsmith provides pre-defined roles along with the flexibility to create your own roles. This page provides information on default and custom roles in Appsmith.

Default roles

Default roles provide standardized permission sets designed to match different user responsibilities in Appsmith. They include pre-defined permissions tailored for roles such as administrators, developers, and app viewers, and cannot be altered or deleted. You can assign these roles to your users if the permissions align with your desired permission model. To view the default roles available for your Appsmith instance, toggle the Default Roles option on the Roles screen.

Toggle the Default roles options to view Default Roles
Toggle the Default roles options to view Default Roles

Instance level

Instance-level default roles have permissions that govern access to Appsmith instance, affecting all workspaces and users within the instance. Some instance-level roles can be tailored to provide specific access to all users. The instance-level roles include:

Workspace level

Workspace-level default roles control access within a specific workspace. These roles are pre-defined, offering standard access controls tailored to each workspace. The workspace level roles are not available for customization. They include:

Application level

Application level default roles control access within a specific application. These roles are pre-defined with standard access controls for each application. The application level roles are not available for customization, and are on-the-fly created when you share an application by providing Developer or App viewer access to the user. They include:

Custom roles

Custom roles in Appsmith allow users to define specific permission sets tailored to their business needs. With custom roles, instance administrators can fine-tune access levels by assigning granular permissions to different users or user groups. To create a custom role, click the Add role button on the Roles screen. For more information about setting up a custom role, see Custom Roles.

Click the Add role button to create a custom role
Click the Add role button to create a custom role