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Restore Instance

This page explains how to restore your self-hosted Appsmith instance backup using the appsmithctl utility.


Before starting, ensure the following:

  • Your self-hosted Appsmith instance is running. If you haven’t already installed Appsmith, refer to the Installation guides. This guide assumes you are working with an existing installation.
  • Ensure you have at least 2 GB of free storage available to perform restore tasks.
  • Ensure that you have the appropriate access to execute docker-compose, kubectl, or supervisorctl commands, depending on your deployment setup.
  • Verify that the backup archive file you want to restore is available.

Restore instance backup

Follow the appropriate instructions based on your deployment environment:

Follow these steps to restore your Appsmith instance for Docker-based installations:

  1. Copy the backup archive file:

    docker cp appsmith-backup-TIMESTAMP.tar.gz.enc appsmith:/appsmith-stacks/data/backup/
  2. Restore the Appsmith instance:

    docker-compose exec -it appsmith appsmithctl restore

    The command lists available backup archives, with the latest appearing at the bottom.

  3. Select a backup archive from the list to restore.

    Select a backup archive while restoring Appsmith instance
    Select a backup archive while restoring Appsmith instance

    If you are restoring an older version of Appsmith, a warning message may appear. Update the docker-compose.yml file with the Appsmith image version you wish to restore.

  4. When prompted, enter the password you entered when creating the backup. This password is required to restore the backup. The restore command restores the backup and restarts the Appsmith server to apply the changes.


If you encounter any issues during the restore process, consider the following:

  • Ensure you've copied the backup archive to the correct folder within the container or pod.
  • Ensure the S3 bucket has appropriate permissions to list the backup archives from the bucket.
  • Verify that you are on an Appsmith paid plan and your plan is active to list backup archives from S3 bucket. For more information, see License & plans.
  • Verify that you have the required permissions to execute docker-compose or kubectl commands.
  • If using encrypted backups, confirm that the encryption password and salt match the original values used during backup creation.
  • If restarting the pods fails, check the logs for errors. For more information, see Get Container logs guide.

If you continue to face issues, contact support using the chat widget available in the bottom-right corner of this page.