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Granular Access Control Errors

Granular Access Control (GAC) errors can help you manage and use applications effectively. This page shows how to troubleshoot some of the most common GAC errors you might encounter.

404 - page not found

You have access to the application. However, after a successful login, you receive a 404 - Page Not Found error when trying to access it.


The 404 - Page Not Found error occurs when you do not have access to the requested page. In this case, access to the Home page is not provided, resulting in the error.


You must contact your instance administrator and request that they provide you with access to the Home page.

Make application public toggle is not available

The Make Application Public toggle in the invite users modal is disabled, preventing you from making an application public.


The Make Application Public toggle is controlled by the Make Public permission. If you do not have this permission, the toggle is disabled. For more information, see Make Public Permission


  • You must contact your instance administrator and request that they provide you with the appropriate access..
  • Alternatively, reach out to users who have the necessary permissions to make an application public.

Sharing application shares entire workspace

When you share an application using the Share button, the entire workspace is shared with the user instead of the application.


  • Your instance may not be activated with your license key, causing this paid feature to be unavailable.
  • If you are using the Community Edition or a Free plan on the Appsmith Commercial Edition, sharing an application is not available. Consequently, sharing an application results in the entire workspace being shared.


Unable to access application

A custom role that provides access to the application is created, but users are still unable to access the application.


  • The custom role may not be assigned to the user trying to access the application.
  • The access to the application's datasources and environments might not be granted.


  • Verify if the custom role access is provided by checking the groups and role mapping or user and role assignment. If not, add users to groups that have access or assign roles to the appropriate users.
  • Ensure you have granted the necessary access to the datasources used by the application under the Datasources & Environments tab when configuring the custom role. For more details on permissions, see Permissions.

Getting help

If you are unable to resolve your error, please reach out to support via the chat widget on the page.