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Git Errors

This page shows how to resolve common Git errors on Appsmith.

Invalid Git repo

Invalid Git repo


The SSH address provided is incorrect or access rules prevent connection to the repository.


  • Verify if the SSH address is correct and functional.
  • Check connection rules on the platform where the application is deployed.
  • If issues persist, contact support for assistance.

Invalid GitConfig

Invalid GitConfig.


This error occurs due to a Redis cache issue with user profiling, resulting in an invalid Git configuration.


  • Logout from the application.
  • Login again to refresh the user profile and Git configuration.
  • If issues persist, contact support for assistance.

Conflicts while merging

Conflicts while merging branch b <= a


Conflicts arise during the merging process when the same file has been edited on both branches, and Git cannot automatically resolve these conflicts.


If facing conflicts in the Appsmith UI while merging branch A into branch B, raise a pull request targeting branch B on your Git provider, and manually resolve the conflicts.

See Resolve Merge Conflicts in Git

Git push failed for pending upstream changes

Looks like there are pending upstream changes. To prevent you from losing history, we will pull the changes and push them to your repo.


If you're working on branch A and someone else pushes changes to the remote counterpart of the same branch, you may encounter conflicts if both have edited the same files.


To resolve this:

  • Create a new branch from your local branch A, naming it branch A-fix.
  • Raise a pull request from branch A-fix against the original branch A.
  • Resolve conflicts within the pull request interface or locally before merging.
  • In Appsmith, discard and pull the changes into branch A.

See Resolve Merge Conflicts in Git

Maximum call size exceeded error

Maximum call size exceeded


This error is due to the size limit on the merge operation being exceeded, possibly from large files or too many changes.


Split the merge operation into smaller chunks and remove any unnecessary large files from the repository.

Private repo limit error

Private Repo Limit Error


This occurs due to restrictions on the number of private repositories that can be connected.


In the community edition, you can only connect to 3 private repositories. If you want to connect more private repositories, you must upgrade to a paid plan. For more information, see Pricing.