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Display and Lookup Data in List

This page shows you how to display and lookup data in a List widget.


  • A datasource containing the data to display and filter. See Connect datasource for a tutorial.

Display data

To display data in a List widget, follow these steps:

  1. In the widget's property pane, set the Items property under Data.



    Where fetch_users is the query to fetch data from the connected datasource.

  2. Add widgets within the List and use the currentItem reference property to bind data to the List items from the query.



    To rearrange widgets within a List item, drag and drop them within the first item to rearrange the order. Once you arrange the widgets in the first List item, the subsequent items automatically update with the same arrangement.

  3. To set up pagination, enable the Server side pagination property for pagination. To set up the server-side pagination manually, follow the instructions in Setup Server-Side Pagination on List.

Format list item

Highlighting list cells enables you to visually distinguish specific cells from others. To highlight items of the List, follow these steps:

  1. Select the first item in the widget and click Style in the widget's property pane.

  2. In Background color, set the item color.


    {{currentItem.user_status === "active" ? "green" : "orange"}}

    To customize each item of the List widget, see Style properties.

Search list data

To configure search on List, follow these steps:

  1. Drop an Input widget to the canvas.

  2. Modify the fetch query in Display data to fetch data corresponding to the search text.


    SELECT * FROM users WHERE name LIKE {{ "%" + np_search.searchText + "%"}};
  3. Add an Action selector to the onTextChanged event of the Input widget to run the above query.

Filter List data

To configure search on List, follow these steps:

  1. Drop a Select widget and bind data to the widget in the Source Data property using a query.


    SELECT DISTINCT name from users;
  2. Set the Label key and Value key properties and enable the Server-side filtering property of the widget.

  3. Modify the List widget's fetch query to fetch data using the filterText property of the Select widget.


    SELECT * FROM users 
    WHERE name LIKE '%{{filter.filterText}}%'
    ORDER BY id LIMIT 10;

    When prepared statements are enabled and widget bindings are used, quotes are not required.

  4. Add an Action to the Select widget's onFilterUpdate event to run the above query to filter List data.

Nested list

You can nest lists within a List widget up to three levels deep. Each nested level can interact with its parent data through specific properties.

Access parent data from a child list

To access a parent list item's attributes or widget properties within a child list, use the level_* property, where * is the level number (1 through 3).

For example:

Suppose you have a parent list named parentList.

You have a nested child list within parentList called childList1.

Widgets within childList1 can access an attribute from parentList by using:


Similarly, you can use currentView and currentIndex properties to access the current state and position of the parent list's item.

Access multiple parent levels

If there is another List widget, say childList2, inside childList1, the innermost list childList2 can access properties from both parentList and childList1.

Here's how the levels correspond:

level_1 corresponds to the parentList data and state.

level_2 corresponds to childList1 data and state.

Example of accessing data from both parent and first-level child list:


Parent List widgets cannot access their child lists' data.