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Insert Data

This guide shows you how to insert data into a datasource using the Form widget on a new page and a Modal. It explains the steps to bind data to widgets, validate user input, and configure queries.

Use Modal

To insert data using a Modal, follow these steps:

  1. Drop a Modal widget onto the canvas, and then add the relevant widgets and configure their properties.

  2. To validate data before inserting, scroll to the Validation section in the property pane of each widget within the Modal. Enter the validation criteria, such as Required, Max Characters, Regex, etc. The Save button on the Modal remains disabled until all widgets meet the defined validation criteria. For more information, see Validation.

  3. Configure the query to insert data.


    INSERT INTO person (first_name, last_name, email, phone)
  4. Create a JS Object to run the insert query, close the Modal, and fetch the updated data from the datasource.

    insertData: async () => {
    const customer = await;
    showAlert('Customer Created', 'success');;
  5. Set the onClick event of the Save button on the Modal to execute the JS Object.

  6. Drop a Button widget onto the canvas and set its onClick event to show the Modal by selecting the Show modal action and then selecting the Modal name created in Step 1.

Use new page

To insert data in a new page, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new page and then drop a Form widget on the page. Add the relevant widgets into the Form widget and configure their properties.

  2. To validate data before inserting, scroll to the Validation section in the property pane of the Form widget. Enter the validation criteria, such as Required, Max Characters, Regex, etc. The Form widget's Submit button remains disabled until all widgets meet the defined validation criteria. For more information, see Validation.

  3. Configure the query to insert data using data reference property of the Form.


       INSERT INTO person 
    (first_name, last_name, email, phone)

    When prepared statements are enabled and widget bindings are used, quotes are not required.

  4. Set the Submit Button's onClick event to execute the insert query, and the onSuccess callback to navigate back to your home page and fetch the updated data.

  5. Add a Button widget to your home page and set its onClick event to navigate to the insert data page created in Step 1. For more information, see navigateTo.


To insert the ID value, choose a UUID generator or let your data source auto-generate the ID.

Use Table

To dynamically add new rows to the table, follow these steps:

  1. Enable the Editable property for all the required columns.

  2. Enable the Allow adding a row property in the table's property pane. This displays a button labeled Add new row at the top of the table widget. When a user adds a new row to the table, they see Save row and Discard buttons to save or discard the new row and its data.

  3. Create a new INSERT query, using the newRow reference property to retrieve values from the newly created row:


    If you want users to add data for new users, you can use:

    INSERT INTO users 
    (id, phone, name, gender, latitude, longitude, dob, email, image, country)
    {{ }},
    {{ }},
    {{ }},
    {{ Table1.newRow.gender }},
    {{ Table1.newRow.latitude }},
    {{ Table1.newRow.longitude }},
    {{ Table1.newRow.dob }},
    {{ }},
    {{ Table1.newRow.image }},
    {{ }}
  4. Set the Table widget's onSave event to run the query, and the onSuccess callback to trigger the fetch query that refreshes the table data with the updated information.