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Search and Filter Table Data

This page shows you how to search and filter data in a Table widget based on a search text, date range, or dropdown list option.

Using search text

To filter data using the built-in search feature, follow these steps:

  1. In the property pane of the Table widget, enable Allow searching.

  2. Modify the fetch_trip_details query to fetch data corresponding to the search text using the following code:

    SELECT * FROM trip_details a WHERE route_id LIKE {{ "%" + trip_details_table.searchText + "%"}};

    If you are using a REST API, refer to the following example to send the request:{{search_text.text}}
  3. In the Table widget's property pane, scroll to the onSearchTextChanged event and paste the following code:


For more information, see this sample app.

Using date range

To filter data based on a date range, follow these steps:

  1. Drag and drop two Date picker widgets.

  2. Modify the fetch_trip_details query to fetch data using the selectedDate reference property of the widgets using the following code where trip_start_date and trip_end_date are the Date picker widgets:

    SELECT * FROM trip_details WHERE selected_period BETWEEN SYMMETRIC {{moment(trip_start_date.selectedDate)}} AND {{moment(trip_end_date.selectedDate)}} ORDER BY id;

    Use either the formattedDate or selectedDate property based on your preferred date formatting. To configure queries for specific datasources, see Datasources.


    When using an API that returns the date in a different format, use Moment to format it. For examples, see moment.

  3. Set the onDateSelected event of the Date picker widgets to execute the query using the following code:;

    The table data automatically updates to reflect the data from the selected date range when you select dates from trip_start_date or trip_end_date.

Using dropdown list

To filter data based on specific criteria using a Select widget, follow these steps:

  1. Drag and drop a Select widget.

  2. Create a query to populate the Select widget with the values you wish to filter by. For example, to populate all the vehicle numbers in the widget, use the following code:

    SELECT DISTINCT vehicle_no FROM trip_details;
  3. Modify the fetch query to fetch data using the selectedOptionValue reference property of the widget using the following code where vehicles is the name of the Select widget:

    SELECT * FROM trip_details WHERE vehicle_no = {{vehicles.selectedOptionValue}};
  4. In the Select widget's property pane, set the onOptionChange event to execute the query using the following code:;
  5. Set the Default selected value of the Select widget to set a default value and load the data corresponding to the default value. For more information, see Default selected value.

Sort data

To sort data in the Table widget, follow these steps:

  1. Create a query and rename it to sort_data.

  2. Use the following code to fetch data from the table based on the sorted column, sort order, and page size where trip_details is the database table and trip_details_table is the Table widget:

    "{{trip_details_table.sortOrder.column || 'id'}}" {{trip_details_table.sortOrder.order !== "desc" ? "" : "DESC"}}
  3. In the property pane of the Table widget, enable Column sorting.

  4. Set the onSort event to run the sort_data query using the following code:


See also